Night Eagle Productions Presents at The Lansing Performing Arts Center

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Jeremy Wallace

Jeremy Wallace started writing songs the way many singer-songwriters do: he culled personal experiences from volumes of journals packed into milk crates he had kept since he was a teenager. Then somewhere along the line, Jeremy Wallace's personal lyrics merged with the lives of lonely fictional characters-the unlucky, the heartbroken, blue collar joes who drank too much, smoked too much, loved too much fortheir own good-and his musictook a turn. Instead of the self-absorbed world of a teenager, a mature narrative voice emerged one that reflected his world but that connected with ordinary people. When auiences hear Jeremy's music, they seethemselves in the stories he weaves merged with the lives of lonely fictional characters-the unlucky, the heartbroken, blue collar joes who drank too much, smoked too much, loved too much for their own good-and his musictook a turn. Instead of the self-absorbed world of a teenager, a mature narrative voice emerged one that reflected his world but that connected with ordinary people. When audiences hear Jeremy's music, they see themselves in the stories he weaves....,Come on down and help us welcome Jeremy back to the Cafe stage....,Ken