Night Eagle Productions Presents at The Lansing Performing Arts Center

Nighteagle Logo

Dear Friends-
It is with great joy and celebration that we announce a re-birth. After 16 years, The Night Eagle Café will fly again – located in its new home at the Lansing Performing Arts Center. We hope you join us for events of great music….some old favorites and many new. But much much more than that, we invite you to join the community spirit of the Night Eagle.
In helping The Night Eagle to grow and reach its full potential, we are in the process of becoming a private non-profit. We will be seeking grants for free musical events, workshops, and mini-festivals all targeting the newly "senior-ed" community. Let's embrace our aging selves….but let's do it celebrating our spirits with music, art, and creativity.
We will always be seeking volunteers. PLEASE REACH OUT- become a part of our FAMILY.
In peace, love and music-
Ken and Susan

The collaborative team of Millett and Murphy represents both the producer as well as the performers perspectives. We hope to launch the new Night Eagle with the intention of developing accessible music to a "newly seniored" audience at affordable rates.
We strive to create a community where quality music is available to all. Follow us as we develop - we thank the Savage Club and the Lansing Performing Arts Center for hosting us, as we launch into what creating our own Private Non-Profit might bring to supporting our growing community.

Lansing Performing Arts Center
The Lansing Perfoming Arts Center
1004 Auburn Rd., North Lansing NY 13073


The Old Blind Dogs


The Slambovian Circus of Dreams

The Tannerhill Weavers

Professor Louie and the Crowmatix

Mustard's Retreat